Scrubs in the Trenches
An inside look at Healthcare from a RN with 15 years experience of Being inside the hospital. The goal is to give a Frontline Perspective of the Healthcare system to help people understand what is really going on inside these Walls. So join me as I interview people from all different backgrounds to provide a glimpse into Healthcare that you otherwise wouldn’t get.
Scrubs in the Trenches
The Lyme Light Part 3: Lyme and Stealth Microbes
Since PhizaDerna pulled my sponsorship for the week you get to meet my Russian Reflection Ivan in the beginning of this episode and I quickly lock him back up before he gets me into Siri US trouble!!!
In this episode I share my insights and how I believe the Borrelia bacteria works inside my body. I don't only have the bacteria that causes Lyme but I also have tested positive for things like mycoplasma and Epstein Barr Virus. I don't mind being walking Petri dish but mainstream medicine isn't really equipped to help people like myself.
I highly recommend the Book Unlocking Lyme and go into the author's,Dr. Bill Rawles, theory on Stealth Microbes. I see parallels between his journey and mine since we are both medical professionals that couldn't find help from mainstream medicine.
He also groups Fibromyalgia and Lyme under the same umbrella and I give my opinion on how hypocritical Western medicine is when dealing with a Fibromyalgia patient vs a Lyme pateint.
I also give a brief history lesson on the term know as the Herx reaction and explain Syphilis and Borrelia are both spirochetes and how two dermatologist in the late 1800's treated Syphilis with Mercury. It's interesting how their research has helped people understand whats happening to them after starting antibiotics with Lyme.
Next I go into the Life cycle of Lyme and how its not beneficial for the bacteria to kill its host since it requires an infected tick to bite a host and then another tick needs to attach to the infected host before falling off and now being infected and ready to spread its Lyme Love...
I also tell a short story from the Unlocking Lyme book about a iceman that was found preserved and in his cells and joint tissue were arthritic and positive for some type of spirochete bacteria.
Spirochete bacteria are corkscrew shaped and are designed to drill and hide in tissues like the heart so its very crafty in staying hidden from Dr.'s and your immune system. I currently use low dose doxycycline daily and don't claim that that's the best solution out there but it is a workable solution for me.
It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people that have health issues that aren't being addressed by Western medicine don't have some sort of stealth microbe or microbes that are affecting their Health and Wellbeing.
So if you or anyone you know doesn't feel Heard or Seen by the Western Medical Model, then please reach out to me at
Even if I am not the best fit for your personal Health and Wellness needs, I promise to find the right Nurse Coach for your unique needs. My personal experience with Lyme may be the support your need but if you need help in menopause or other health issues I can point you in the direction of a Nurse Coach that has extensive experience in that field. Nurse Coaching is slowly building an army and the results are speaking for themselves.
Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed my show join above and join me on my Patreon page and help support growing this show, Thanks again,
Is@@c BenJamIn